That awkward moment when someone asks you tell more about yourself, and you don't know what to say! First of all my name is April Bowen and I am a professional photographer. Recently, I graduated from Nossi College of Art where I studied Commercial photography and received my Associates Degree. I don't really see myself as a commercial photographer but more of a Children's, Sports, and Fine Arts photographer. I'm a mother of four awesome military brat's. We now live in Nashville, Tennessee, where I was born and raised.

To be honest, I am laid back and full of comfort (love my jeans, Tees, and flip flops). My favorite things are: my family, traveling, drive inn movies, Hockey, the outdoors, and coffee.. Did I mention that I love coffee? Recently, I won two Gold Addy Awards for 2012 in the Local and District competition here in Nashville, Tennessee. I took my passion for children and photography and created an Addy Award winning piece. I love kids and how they embrace life! That may explain why I have so many...
The feeling I get when I am behind a camera is a rush that I cannot explain. I let the subject speak for itself. I believe the best photograph is one that is not posed but one that shows who you really are and your true self.
I hope that wasn't to boring... That being said, I will be posting more about myself, my work, and general photography information. Please feel free to leave comments and critiques.